According to the statute of HOA, members are individuals who bear a University or Postgraduate degree in Oceanography/ Marine Sciences or relevant fields or employ in the field of Oceanography/ Marine Sciences for at least 2 years. HOA accounts approximately 500 members, several of whom have long presence in the field of Marine Sciences at national and international level; their contribution to scientific issues, research studies and coastal areas monitoring has been established through their long-time involvement in the field.
The registration fee in HOA is 10€ and is valid for 2 years.
In order to register, download and fill the registration form below:
Registration form (.docx)
Registration form (.pdf)
Registrations have to be accompanied with the proof of deposit to the Bank Account of the Association.
Beneficiary: Hellenic Oceanographers’ Association
Bank: National Bank of Greece
IBAN: GR50 0110 1040 0000 1044 8057 637
Please add your full name and the frase for “SEOK” in the justification of the payment.
The Application Form together with the proof of deposit to the Bank Account of the Association should be send to the email address of HOA: